The Full Story Of Easy Aging®

Hey there, Midlifer. (Yep, I’m talking to you if you’ve been on this earth for 40 or more years.) Let me take a moment to introduce myself and Easy Aging® to you.

What is Easy Aging®?

Easy Aging® is a mindset. It's an attitude that allows you to go after your dreams without apology and reveling in the juicy moments of life that make your heart sing.

It means that you understand that at this age you are coming from a place of more —  more life experience, more wisdom, more perspective than ever before. This place of more is what Easy Aging® is all about.

It means fully understanding that your brain is your very best anti-aging tool. It's also about understanding that midlife changes don't have to be hard, so let's stop fooling ourselves about that. 

Easy Aging® is focused on taking a lighthearted approach that makes the most of your sense of humor. (Yes, you do need to have a sense of humor in order to age gracefully.)

It’s also about applying fun-sized actions to create permanent change in your life. 

In these articles, you’re going to discover life strategies that will help you believe in yourself again. My mission is to inspire you to rediscover your identity, find your joy and live out your purpose with gusto and enthusiasm.

So that's a brief overview of Easy Aging®. Now, here's a little about me.

My story

When my mother passed away in 2016, I was so lost and unsure of my next step. Caring for her took so much of my focus and energy, especially during the last few months of her life. When she died, it felt like my purpose in life had died.

I knew her death would change my life dramatically, but I had no idea what it was going to look like.

So I took some time and when I resurfaced from my grieving, I felt the big “What Now?” question hanging over me. I knew it was time to discover a new dream, a new purpose.

I wanted to go in a new direction, a direction that would refresh me and fulfill me and make my second half of life fun and exciting. So I set out to reinvent myself.

As a woman of faith, I spent a lot of time praying and pondering my next steps. What am I passionate about? What do I enjoy? What do I have experience and expertise in? 

Everything pointed back to 1995, because that was the year I discovered the power of personal development. Since then, I've been studying and applying these concepts for nearly 30 years, so I knew I could create something that would make my second half amazing. 

I knew that the tools and strategies worked, I just had to figure out what would work best to help me live a peaceful and vibrant life in my second half.

Deciding on three criteria

First, I decided that the path I created was going to be much simpler and easier than the one that I took. Whatever I created would have to be simple and easy-to-use. 

Second, I wanted to find a middle ground between the grit, grind and hustle approach and the woo-woo approach. 

The grit, grind and hustle way of life was too intense for me. It's so focused on taking action. I felt like I was always running. I didn’t have time to think. I just had to keep moving or I’d get behind.

Then, on the opposite end of the spectrum, the woo-woo approach was almost too much thinking and sitting around. I kept wondering, “Aren't I supposed to be doing something?”  

While I found value in both, each of them left me wanting more. I knew there was a middle ground between the two, and that's what I created. 

Third, I wanted to create something that was light, because going after your dreams should be fun! It shouldn't be boring or serious. It should help you enjoy the journey more. 

So I created a process which is now my three-part proprietary process called The ACE Approach, which stands for awareness, clarity, and ease. It's an approach that works whether you're a novice or an old pro at the personal development game. 

This approach will help you answer your own “What Now?” question so you can be at peace with the direction of your life and the legacy you'll be leaving. 

To understand the foundational pieces of The ACE Approach, sign up for my email course, “Easy Aging® Essentials.”


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